Monday, August 23, 2004

More fun with Common Darters

Down at Ferry Meadows, Peterborough with the Bogbumper, we went on a Willow Tit search last week (18.8.04). These are very scarce birds in Cambridgeshire and any records around the Peterborough area are treated with a certain amount of chin-scratching and eye-itching, but despite this, usually tempt one or more of us locals out for a hunt... And after the inevitable fruitless search, there are always insects to fall back on (not literally, that would be cruel). As it's Common Darter season, why not photograph some of the little devils as they kindly pose on fences? In true WWN style, here are the best of the bunch (and in case you are wondering, it is one of these darter heads that now graces the top of the page).

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